Customized Reporting
As part of our service offering, PDC Pharmacy offers a variety of reports to partner provider agencies. Some of our most popular reports for partner provider agencies are described below.
Therapeutic Type Report
The Therapeutic Type Report can be produced for any type of therapeutic indication. These reports have a clinical benefit when management and nursing are trying to determine how many patients are on a particular type of medication and are especially helpful when determining whether to implement additional specific trainings or protocols.
Profile Scan by Physician Report
The Profile Scan by Physician Report can produce a list of active and/or historical prescriptions written by a particular physician or group of physicians. These reports are helpful when needing to understand prescribing activity by physician and/or practice.
Profile Scan by Schedule Number Report
The Profile Scan by Schedule Number Report can be produced to identify all patients with active orders for controlled substances. These are of particular interest to provider agencies in the pursuit of diversion control. The reporting capabilities also provide for the ability to produce each individual schedule of controlled medications or provide a comprehensive report capturing all schedules of controlled medications. Additionally, reports can be generated for a particular drug, controlled or not.
Drug Change Report
This report provides a list of changes that occurred the previous day and will indicate which prescriptions were added to the profile as well as those that had been discontinued. The report is automated and sent via encrypted email each morning.
Pre-Overdue Report
This report provides a list of prescriptions that may be due for reordering and can be provided as a courtesy reminder to provider agencies to check their supply and reorder non-cycle medications in a proactive manner. The report is automated and sent via encrypted email twice each week.
Overdue Reorder Report
This intuitive report identifies medications that may need to be reordered based upon the days’ supply previously sent. While there are some medications that last longer than the days’ supply provided (e.g., a large tube of ointment), this is a good rubric for identifying medications that are potentially being administered incorrectly. This report can therefore assist provider agencies in finding significant errors of omission. This report has also helped provider agencies identify specific medications where a discontinuation order has not been sent to the pharmacy. The report is automated and sent once per month via an encrypted email.
Monthly Controlled Drug Report
The Monthly Controlled Drug Report displays all dispenses for a particular drug schedule on a monthly basis. While the report typically captures one month of activity, it can also be produced for any requested time interval.