Administrative Consulting

Administrative consulting involves members of the PDC Pharmacy Operations Team meeting with the partner provider’s staff to conduct any of the following collaborative consulting reviews. As part of a partnership with PDC Pharmacy, all PDC Pharmacy administrative consulting services would be available upon request and free of charge.

Medication Administration Record (MAR) Reviews

Through this service, MARs are reviewed for accuracy, formatting, and customization. This review is conducted on-site and involves reconciling the partner provider’s copies of MARs (either electronic or paper) with PDC Pharmacy’s electronic records. PDC Pharmacy recommends, at a minimum, a once annual MAR Review.

Packaging Reviews

This entails reviewing the success of existing packaging selection and discussing the benefits of each type of medication packaging system as it relates to regulatory compliance and medication error reduction. These reviews are conducted upon the introduction of any new packaging solution as well as once annually and/or upon the partner provider’s request.

In-Service Training

In-Service trainings are provided at the start of service and as needed to provide refresher trainings for all levels of staff, including the partner provider’s management, nursing, and direct care staff. In-service training topics include emergency pharmacy utilization protocols, categorizations of medications, administration best practices, packaging, delivery, and medication documentation.

Transition Services

Transitional support is provided for all new provider agencies, in which the PDC Pharmacy Operations and Management Team ensures all components of the conversion to PDC Pharmacy are seamless for the partner provider.