Why Choose PDC Pharmacy
While focusing on meeting the pharmaceutical needs of patients with intellectual disabilities, autism, and behavioral health needs, there are many aspects that differentiate PDC Pharmacy from other long-term care pharmacies.
Specialized Services and Expertise
Unlike other long-term care pharmacies, PDC Pharmacy is solely focused on and committed to serving patients with intellectual disabilities, autism, and behavioral health needs. This unique focus provides PDC Pharmacy with the experience and resources to meet and exceed the specific needs of each patient that PDC Pharmacy is privileged to serve.
Exceptional Quality
PDC Pharmacy focuses on ensuring that medication-dispensing errors do not occur. Over the past five years, PDC Pharmacy’s medication accuracy rate has been 99.99%, which is well above industry standard. PDC Pharmacy’s high medication accuracy rate contributes to the overall health and safety of the individuals served by the provider agencies we work with and is consistent with our goal to provide the highest quality of pharmacy services.
Customer Satisfaction
PDC Pharmacy is committed to the satisfaction of our partner providers. We work with each provider agency through a practice of open communication. In-person meetings are scheduled frequently, and provider feedback is always encouraged and welcomed, as exemplified through our annual satisfaction surveys. The satisfaction survey covers topics such as medication accuracy, documentation, helpfulness of staff, technology supports, and billing. PDC Pharmacy’s average score on a five-point scale is 4.37, demonstrating superior satisfaction with services.
Innovative Technology Solutions
As described in more detail on our Technology Page, PDC Pharmacy is committed to offering the latest services and technologies to provider agencies in an effort to streamline the processes involved with all aspects of medication administration and delivery. PDC Pharmacy operates in a paper-free pharmacy environment and leverages automated dispensing systems, such as DOSIS and Omnicell machines, to drive operational efficiencies and increase accuracy, ultimately ensuring that we meet specific partner providers’ needs.