Meet the PDC Pharmacy Team
PDC Pharmacy is a part of Passavant Memorial Homes Family of Services (PMHFOS). For the PMHFOS Executive and Management Team, please visit the PMHFOS website.
Pharmacist Leadership

Marcia Carty, RPh
Vice President of Operations
Marcia Carty, RPh, earned a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy degree from Temple University School of Pharmacy, after beginning her undergraduate education at East Stroudsburg University. Marcia started her career as a pharmacist by working for over 20 years in an independent retail pharmacy, where she was the manager for 10 years. Marcia enjoyed working with the community as a consulting pharmacist during this time. Marcia has also served as a preceptor for pharmacist students from a variety of pharmacy schools. Having been with PDC Pharmacy since 2014, Marcia encourages a positive and quality-focused atmosphere. Marcia’s compassion and understanding of the unique needs of the individuals PDC Pharmacy is privileged to serve comes from her own experience of having a sibling with intellectual disabilities. In her current role as Vice President of Operations of PDC Pharmacy, Marcia oversees and supports all PDC Pharmacy locations.

Corey Madden, PharmD
Assistant Vice President of Operations
Corey Madden, PharmD, earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Duquesne University, Mylan School of Pharmacy. Upon graduation, Corey initially worked as a pharmacist in the retail setting and soon transitioned to a pharmacist position in an inpatient hospital, where he advanced to a pharmacy manager position. Corey then transitioned from the inpatient hospital setting to a pharmacy management role in long-term care. Corey has also previously been an adjunct faculty member at Westmoreland County Community College, teaching Pharmacology and Medical Terminology to nursing students. Corey has also served as a preceptor for pharmacist students from a variety of pharmacy schools. Corey joined PDC Pharmacy in 2022 as Assistant Vice President of Operations and helps to oversee and support all PDC Pharmacy locations in his role.
Nicholas (Nick) Miller, PharmD
Director, PDC Pharmacy – Norristown
Nicholas (Nick) Miller, PharmD, earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Duquesne University, Mylan School of Pharmacy. Prior to transitioning to the long-term care pharmacy setting, Nick had more than 15 years of experience in retail pharmacy, of which over 10 years were in a management capacity. Nick has also served as a preceptor for pharmacist students from a variety of pharmacy schools. While originally from western Pennsylvania, Nick has lived in the Philadelphia area since 2005. Nick began working at PDC Pharmacy Norristown in 2019, and he has been the Pharmacy Director of PDC Pharmacy Norristown since 2022.
Stephanie Infantino, PharmD
Assistant Director, PDC Pharmacy – Pittsburgh
Stephanie Infantino, PharmD, earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) School of Pharmacy. Stephanie has more than 10 years of experience as a pharmacist in a variety of settings, which, along with long-term care, include an independent retail pharmacy, other retail pharmacies, and a federally qualified health center. Stephanie has also served as a preceptor for pharmacist students from a variety of pharmacy schools. For the past two years, Stephanie has led the PDC Pharmacy Pittsburgh team as the Assistant Pharmacy Director of PDC Pharmacy Pittsburgh.