Documentation and Medical Records
PDC Pharmacy’s partner provider agencies can select any combination of traditional paper Medication Administration Records (MARs), FrameworkLink, and/or electronic MARs (eMARs) to access their MARs.
FrameworkLink is a web-based application that is directly synced with our pharmacy operating software, FrameworkLTC, and allows PDC Pharmacy partner provider agencies to:
- Enter requests for medication reorders.
- Print medical records.
- Communicate directly with PDC Pharmacy through FrameworkLink’s internal messaging system.
Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR)
PDC Pharmacy interfaces with over 60 electronic eMAR and EHR offerings. Interfacing with your eMAR and/or EHR allows for prescription information from PDC Pharmacy to be passed along directly saving you the hassle of transcription and the potential for errors.